Thursday, March 30, 2017

Ultimate Reality

When we consider the monumental issue of reality we need to distinguish between ultimate reality and perceived reality.  Do we exist in a single universe, or in a matrix of multiple parallel universes? Are there merely three dimensions, or ten as proposed by String Theory?  Is the cosmos the creation of a divine being, an evolving universal consciousness, or merely a random accident?  What are black holes and dark matter?
Undoubtedly, there is a single reality that lies in the answers to these questions and many more that we have not even conceptualized.  It is incredibly humbling and rather unsettling, but the truth is that we dwell on the surface of an insignificant planet in a vast ever-expanding universe.  Consequently, our ability to comprehend this ultimate reality is severely limited.  The only certainty is that our understanding is continually changing as additional information becomes available.
Of course, we cannot live on a daily basis with this unfathomable uncertainty, so, we settled for our perception of reality.  Whether or not we are causing micro distortions in the space-time continuum as we drive to work is irrelevant.  Our sensory receptors only register a fraction of the available auditory, visual, tactile, and olfactory spectrums.  Though our concept of the world around us is partial, it has proven to be generally adequate for our day-to-day activities. 
Unfortunately, much of the social conflict we currently observe is due to the intolerant manner  in which many  affirm their perception of reality.  Some adamantly proclaim  outdated world views that were conceptualized in pre -scientific cultures.  Similarly, modern society too often summarily dismisses the wisdom and relevance of religious  traditions regarding our human experience  because they are conveyed through myth and metaphor.  .  If we hope to progress beyond our current awareness, we will need to remain open to alternative ideas which may completely transform our current perceptions.

Given the unfathomable vastness of the cosmos and our miniscule finite place within it, I think a heavy dose of humility is in order.  To dogmatically impose our limited perspective on others is a clear indication that we are ignorant of our own ignorance.  Neither religion, science nor atheism holds a monopoly on the understanding of ultimate reality. 
Instead of boldly proclaiming our knowledge, perhaps we should be like children seeking their way along a forest path in the middle of the night.  If we all just join hands, we can share what we discover with one another and reach the end of our journey with a collective understanding of what we find along the way.  What is really important is that we all stick together and nobody gets left behind.  Maybe that is the most important aspect of the ultimate reality.

Friday, March 24, 2017

At Home Among The Stars

The past few years have been so busy that I have not had time to keep up with this blog.  The last three years were devoted to writing a book.  At this point the manuscript is complete, and I am seeking a publisher or literary agent to handle the search for me.  The title is At Home Among the Stars.  It focuses on a new perspective on our humanity as an aspect of the universe, not the central focus of a metaphysical deity.  Those who may be interested in obtaining the current version of the manuscript may send a request to AtHomeAmongThe
For the foreseeable future, I intend to share various aspects of what I have written and hope that it will generate feedback from those who may stumble across this blog.  The conclusion of my effort is simply this:

Our generation is living on the surface of an amazing star ship that is streaking through space at a blinding speed towards an unknown destination and an uncertain future.  The presence of our species on this journey is no more guaranteed than that of the dinosaurs.  Any hope we have of creating a sustainable future will require us to actualize our cosmic design, harmonize with the forces of nature, progress beyond a selfish sense of “me” and pass through the gateway of selflessness to a future of “us”.

In the spirit of Quaker tradition, this culmination of my efforts is offered for your consideration.  Some of what is contained here is new, while other ideas are ancient and have been repeatedly presented over thousands of years.  I would not presume to declare that I have discovered the secret of life or anything so grandiose.  Our universe is far too complex to be fully comprehended.  However, this holistic approach has yielded some amazing insights that I would certainly like to share with you.

In all of my exploration, the most important thing I have learned is that spirituality and scientific discovery are not mutually exclusive.  These merely represent two genuine sources of knowledge, intuitive and rational.  Interestingly as science delves deeper into the invisible aspects of our universe, there appears to be a growing harmony between these spheres of understanding.  This harmony is the basis of what I now offer.

As you will see, this is a small book and intentionally so.  I have not attempted to prepare a lavish meal with all of the trimmings.  That is a task that lies beyond the capability of any single individual.  Instead, this is a collection of seeds to be planted, nourished, weeded, and harvested.  Hopefully, any meals produced from it will be large pot-luck dinners where we can all contribute in a spirit of fellowship and harmony.